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Resources for Outreach and Education

Education Materials

  • Chandra LithographsChandra Lithographs
    New Chandra Lithographs are now available.
    Request Form | PDF Downloads

  • Stellar Evolution PosterStellar Evolution Poster
    This poster appeared as an inset to the February 2005 issue of the high school edition of the National Science Teacher Association's magazine, The Science Teacher. A web site with additional information on the topic has been posted on the Chandra public web site.

How to order copies of new and existing published materials

We need your results!

  • The EPO group is continually looking for interesting images and science results for a variety of EPO products and uses. Press worthy science results should be sent to the Chandra PAO, Megan Watzke (cxcpress@cfa.harvard.edu). If you have an image that you think would be useful as an image release, or to add to one of the topical sections on our public web site, or to use to illustrate an EPO product, please forward a version to the Chandra EPO visualization Lead, Kim Arcand, at cxcpub@cfa.harvard.edu. Helpful information to include is the object name, Obs Id, and a short comment about the science in the image. We have a variety of needs which changes over time, and a large pool of candidate images is helpful.

Resources for talks and lectures

All sections described below are found in the Resources section of the Chandra public web site.
  • All publically released Chandra images have been placed on the web in PowerPoint and PDF formats, with links to the Press and Photo Album sections for background information. Go to the PPT/PDF slides.
  • Selected presentations in PowerPoint have been placed on the web. Included are basic overview presentations, topical presentations, and a "loop" containing 25 images. Presentations are in PPT and ZIP. Go to the Presentations.
  • A collection of animations and video clips has been placed on the web in QuickTime, Real Player or MPEG. Go to the animations and videos.

Reporting Public and Education Activities

  • If you have given a talk or participated in an education or outreach activity that included material about Chandra for a general audience, school group, or other public (non-academic, non-science community) forum, please use the EPO event reporting form and fill it in with as much detail as possible. We will include your contribution in the annual NASA report on Education and Public Outreach. If you have questions on reporting, send an email to cxcedu@cfa.harvard.edu

Classroom interest

  • Now you can take Chandra anywhere, be it school, work or play. Just download Chandra Podcasts to your portable MP3 player and go. Also available: High Definition podcasts
  • A collection of topical, multi-media "special features" for browsing has been placed in the Resources section of the Chandra public web site. Many of the features utilize Flash. Go to the special features.
  • The Photo Album section of the Chandra public web site contains images and information about each publically released Chandra image as well as links to related information in other sections of the site including printable, one page handouts for each image. Note that images can be accessed chronologically, by category, or through the sky map. There is also a link to information about the constellations in which the sources are located.
  • The Field Guide section of the Chandra public web site contains continuously updated information about the types of sources observed by Chandra, organized into the same categories as the Chandra public Archive and Observing Catalog. Material in this section is updated to reflect new information released in press or image releases as well as general changes to established models and theories as a result of Chandra observations.
  • The Press Room section of the Chandra public web site contains the press releases that accompany the public release of selected Chandra images, links to the weekly observatory status reports, and links to interviews and biographies of scientists who work on the Chandra project.
  • Q & A and Ask an Astrophysicist contain topically organized questions and answers on science related to Chandra observations.