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More Images of Chandra Deep Field South
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X-ray & Optical Images of Chandra Deep Field-South
Made with over 7 million seconds of Chandra observing time, this image is part of the Chandra Deep Field-South (CDF-S) and is the deepest X-ray image ever obtained. With its unprecedented look at the early Universe in X-rays, the CDF-S gives astronomers the best look yet at the growth of black holes over billions of years starting soon after the Big Bang. In the Chandra images, low, medium, and high-energy X-rays that Chandra detects are shown as red, green, and blue respectively. By combining the Chandra Deep Field with observations from other telescopes including Hubble (also shown here), scientists can continue to probe some of the most important questions in astrophysics.
(Credit: X-ray: NASA/CXC/Penn State/B.Luo et al. Optical: NASA/STScI)