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Chandra X-ray Image of SN 1996cr in Circinus Galaxy
This Chandra image shows the central regions of the nearby Circinus galaxy, located about 12 million light years away. The blue source near the lower right hand corner of the image is the supernova SN 1996cr, that has finally been identified over a decade after it exploded. The supernova was first singled out in 2001 as a bright, variable object in a Chandra image, but it was not confirmed as a supernova until years later, using data from a total of 18 different telescopes, nearly all of which was from archives.
(Credit: NASA/CXC/Columbia/F.Bauer et al;)
This Chandra image shows the central regions of the nearby Circinus galaxy, located about 12 million light years away. The blue source near the lower right hand corner of the image is the supernova SN 1996cr, that has finally been identified over a decade after it exploded. The supernova was first singled out in 2001 as a bright, variable object in a Chandra image, but it was not confirmed as a supernova until years later, using data from a total of 18 different telescopes, nearly all of which was from archives.
(Credit: NASA/CXC/Columbia/F.Bauer et al;)
Hubble Optical Image of Circinus Galaxy
This is a Hubble telescope image of a nearby active galaxy known as Circinus. This active galaxy belongs to a class of mostly spiral galaxies called Seyferts, which have compact centers and are believed to contain massive black holes.
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(Credit: NASA/STScI/UMD/A.Wilson et al.)
This is a Hubble telescope image of a nearby active galaxy known as Circinus. This active galaxy belongs to a class of mostly spiral galaxies called Seyferts, which have compact centers and are believed to contain massive black holes.
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(Credit: NASA/STScI/UMD/A.Wilson et al.)
AAT Optical Images of SN 1996cr in Circinus Galaxy
These two optical images from the Anglo-Australian Telescope (AAT) in Australia show the Circinus galaxy before (February 1995) and after (March 1996) the supernova explosion of SN 1996cr was visible. The field of view of the Chandra/HST composite is shown with a rectangle, along with the position of SN 1996cr (circled).
(Credit: Anglo-Australian Observatory)
These two optical images from the Anglo-Australian Telescope (AAT) in Australia show the Circinus galaxy before (February 1995) and after (March 1996) the supernova explosion of SN 1996cr was visible. The field of view of the Chandra/HST composite is shown with a rectangle, along with the position of SN 1996cr (circled).
(Credit: Anglo-Australian Observatory)
ESO/NNT Optical Image of the Circinus Galaxy
New Technology Telescope (NTT) optical data of the Circinus galaxy were obtained in April 1994, more than two years before the supernova exploded. The observations were made through different narrow-band filters (Halpha Oiii, and Feii).
(Credit: ESO)
New Technology Telescope (NTT) optical data of the Circinus galaxy were obtained in April 1994, more than two years before the supernova exploded. The observations were made through different narrow-band filters (Halpha Oiii, and Feii).
(Credit: ESO)
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