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Chandra X-ray Image of Orion Nebula
This Chandra image shows the Orion Nebula Cluster, a rich cluster of young stars observed almost continuously for 13 days. The long observation enabled scientists to study the X-ray behavior of young Sun-like stars with ages between 1 and 10 million years. They discovered that these young stars produce violent X-ray outbursts, or flares, that are much more frequent and energetic than anything seen today from our 4.6 billion-year-old Sun. More information
Scale: Image is 5.7 arcmin across
(Credit:NASA/CXC/Penn State/E.Feigelson & K.Getman et al. )
This Chandra image shows the Orion Nebula Cluster, a rich cluster of young stars observed almost continuously for 13 days. The long observation enabled scientists to study the X-ray behavior of young Sun-like stars with ages between 1 and 10 million years. They discovered that these young stars produce violent X-ray outbursts, or flares, that are much more frequent and energetic than anything seen today from our 4.6 billion-year-old Sun. More information
Scale: Image is 5.7 arcmin across
(Credit:NASA/CXC/Penn State/E.Feigelson & K.Getman et al. )
Hubble Optical Image of Orion Nebula
Packed into the center of this region are bright lights of the Trapezium stars, the four heftiest stars in the Orion Nebula. Ultraviolet light unleashed by these stars is carving a cavity in the nebula and disrupting the growth of hundreds of smaller stars. The dark speck near the bottom, right of the image is a silhouette of an edge-on disk encircling a young star. Another whitish-looking disk is visible near the bottom, left, just above the two bright stars. This disk is encased in a bubble of gas and dust. More information at Hubble
Scale: Image is 5.7 arcmin across
(Credit: NASA/ESA/STScI/AURA/The Hubble Heritage Team )
Packed into the center of this region are bright lights of the Trapezium stars, the four heftiest stars in the Orion Nebula. Ultraviolet light unleashed by these stars is carving a cavity in the nebula and disrupting the growth of hundreds of smaller stars. The dark speck near the bottom, right of the image is a silhouette of an edge-on disk encircling a young star. Another whitish-looking disk is visible near the bottom, left, just above the two bright stars. This disk is encased in a bubble of gas and dust. More information at Hubble
Scale: Image is 5.7 arcmin across
(Credit: NASA/ESA/STScI/AURA/The Hubble Heritage Team )
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