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Chandra X-ray Image of 4C37.43
Clouds of hot, X-ray producing gas detected by Chandra around the quasars 4C37.43 (shown above) and 3C249.1, provide strong evidence for galactic superwinds, where a quasar in the center of a galaxy has turned on and is expelling gas at high speeds. The X-ray features seen at five, six, ten and eleven o'clock (labeled c, a, d, b, respectively) in the 4C37.43 image are located tens of thousands of light years from the central supermassive black hole that powers the quasar. They are likely due to shock waves in the superwind.
Scale: Image is 21 arcsec across
(Credit: NASA/CXC/Univ. of Hawaii/A.Stockton et al.)
Clouds of hot, X-ray producing gas detected by Chandra around the quasars 4C37.43 (shown above) and 3C249.1, provide strong evidence for galactic superwinds, where a quasar in the center of a galaxy has turned on and is expelling gas at high speeds. The X-ray features seen at five, six, ten and eleven o'clock (labeled c, a, d, b, respectively) in the 4C37.43 image are located tens of thousands of light years from the central supermassive black hole that powers the quasar. They are likely due to shock waves in the superwind.
Scale: Image is 21 arcsec across
(Credit: NASA/CXC/Univ. of Hawaii/A.Stockton et al.)
Illustration of Galactic Superwind
This artist's illustration depicts a quasar in the center of a galaxy that has turned on and is expelling gas at high speeds in a galactic superwind. Clouds of hot, X-ray producing gas detected by Chandra around the quasars 4C37.43 and 3C249.1, provide strong evidence for such superwinds.
(Credit: NASA/CXC/M.Weiss)
This artist's illustration depicts a quasar in the center of a galaxy that has turned on and is expelling gas at high speeds in a galactic superwind. Clouds of hot, X-ray producing gas detected by Chandra around the quasars 4C37.43 and 3C249.1, provide strong evidence for such superwinds.
(Credit: NASA/CXC/M.Weiss)
Hubble Optical Image of 4C37.43
This image from Hubble shows 4C37.43 - a quasar 4 billion light years from Earth - in visible light. The field of view is slightly larger than the Chandra image shown above.
(Credit: NASA/STScI)
This image from Hubble shows 4C37.43 - a quasar 4 billion light years from Earth - in visible light. The field of view is slightly larger than the Chandra image shown above.
(Credit: NASA/STScI)
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