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Zoom into Chandra's Image of the Mouse
QuickTime MPEG This sequence begins with a wide-field radio image of the Mouse, the shape of which gives the system its name. The view then moves closer to reveal a composite of both Chandra's X-ray data as well as radio data from the Very Large Array. Finally, the radio emission dissolves away, leaving Chandra's observations of the Mouse. The Chandra view starts with its broadband image, before switching to a 3-color X-ray image where red, green and blue represent increasing energy ranges.
[Run Time: 0:17]
(Credits: X-ray: NASA/CXC/SAO/B.Gaensler et al.;
Field Guide: Neutron Stars/X-ray Binaries
QuickTime MPEG This sequence begins with a wide-field radio image of the Mouse, the shape of which gives the system its name. The view then moves closer to reveal a composite of both Chandra's X-ray data as well as radio data from the Very Large Array. Finally, the radio emission dissolves away, leaving Chandra's observations of the Mouse. The Chandra view starts with its broadband image, before switching to a 3-color X-ray image where red, green and blue represent increasing energy ranges.
[Run Time: 0:17]
(Credits: X-ray: NASA/CXC/SAO/B.Gaensler et al.;
Field Guide: Neutron Stars/X-ray Binaries
Return to The Mouse (23 Sep 04)