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Chandra X-ray Image of SDSSp J1306
The X-rays observed by Chandra from the quasar SDSSp J1306 (or J1306) have taken 12.7 billion light years to reach Earth, only a billion years less than the estimated 13.7-billion-year age of the Universe. Surprisingly, the distribution of X-rays with energy - the X-ray spectrum - in this early epoch quasar is indistinguishable from that of nearby, older quasars. The smaller object in the upper left of the image is a foreground galaxy.
Scale: Image is 1 arcmin per side
(Credit: NASA/CXC/D.Schwartz & S.Virani)
The X-rays observed by Chandra from the quasar SDSSp J1306 (or J1306) have taken 12.7 billion light years to reach Earth, only a billion years less than the estimated 13.7-billion-year age of the Universe. Surprisingly, the distribution of X-rays with energy - the X-ray spectrum - in this early epoch quasar is indistinguishable from that of nearby, older quasars. The smaller object in the upper left of the image is a foreground galaxy.
Scale: Image is 1 arcmin per side
(Credit: NASA/CXC/D.Schwartz & S.Virani)
Illustration of Quasar SDSSp J1306
This illustration shows how X-rays are thought to be produced in SDSSp J1306. Material from a large torus of gas and dust in the center of a galaxy is pulled toward a black hole. Most of the infalling gas is concentrated in a rapidly rotating disk, and a hot atmosphere or corona where temperatures can climb to billions of degrees. Collisions of low-energy optical, ultraviolet and X-ray photons from the disk with the hot electrons in the corona boost the energy of the photons up to the high-energy X-ray range.
(Illustration: NASA/CXC/M.Weiss)
This illustration shows how X-rays are thought to be produced in SDSSp J1306. Material from a large torus of gas and dust in the center of a galaxy is pulled toward a black hole. Most of the infalling gas is concentrated in a rapidly rotating disk, and a hot atmosphere or corona where temperatures can climb to billions of degrees. Collisions of low-energy optical, ultraviolet and X-ray photons from the disk with the hot electrons in the corona boost the energy of the photons up to the high-energy X-ray range.
(Illustration: NASA/CXC/M.Weiss)
Chandra X-ray Image with Scale Bar
Scalebar = 0.3 arcmin
Scale: Image is 1 arcmin per side
(Credit: NASA/CXC/D.Schwartz & S.Virani)
Scalebar = 0.3 arcmin
Scale: Image is 1 arcmin per side
(Credit: NASA/CXC/D.Schwartz & S.Virani)
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