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X-ray of SDSS 0836+0054
(Credit: NASA/CXC/PSU/N.Brandt et al.)
Scale: Image is 1.61 arcmin per side.
(Credit: NASA/CXC/PSU/N.Brandt et al.)
Scale: Image is 1.61 arcmin per side.
X-ray of SDSS 1030+0524
(Credit: NASA/CXC/PSU/N.Brandt et al.)
Scale: Image is 1.61 arcmin per side.
(Credit: NASA/CXC/PSU/N.Brandt et al.)
Scale: Image is 1.61 arcmin per side.
X-ray of SDSS 1306+0356
(Credit: NASA/CXC/PSU/N.Brandt et al.)
Scale: Image is 1.61 arcmin per side.
(Credit: NASA/CXC/PSU/N.Brandt et al.)
Scale: Image is 1.61 arcmin per side.
Optical Image of SDSS
This Sloan Digital Sky Survey image was used to identify the object, known as SDSS 1030+0524, as a high-redshift quasar candidate; spectra taken with the Apache Point 3.5-m telescope demonstrated that it was a luminous quasar at a redshift of 6.2.
(Credit: Donald Schneider and Xiaohui Fan, SDSS Collaboration)
This Sloan Digital Sky Survey image was used to identify the object, known as SDSS 1030+0524, as a high-redshift quasar candidate; spectra taken with the Apache Point 3.5-m telescope demonstrated that it was a luminous quasar at a redshift of 6.2.
(Credit: Donald Schneider and Xiaohui Fan, SDSS Collaboration)
Chandra X-ray Image with Scale
Scale bar = 26 arcsec
Credit: NASA/CXC/PSU/N.Brandt et al.
Scale bar = 26 arcsec
Credit: NASA/CXC/PSU/N.Brandt et al.
Return to SDSS 0836+0054, 1030+0524, & 1306+0356 (28 Mar 02)