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Cen A HRC-I X-ray Image
Cen A HRC-I X-ray image (dark blue) superimposed with the VLA radio
continuum map of the inner jet lobes (red contours), and the VLA radio
21-cm line HI gas emission (green contours). The white dashed line is a
schematical outline of an optical arc-like shell.
(Credit: X-ray: NASA/CXC/SAO/M. Karovska et al.; Radio: Schiminovich et al.)
Cen A HRC-I X-ray image (dark blue) superimposed with the VLA radio
continuum map of the inner jet lobes (red contours), and the VLA radio
21-cm line HI gas emission (green contours). The white dashed line is a
schematical outline of an optical arc-like shell.
(Credit: X-ray: NASA/CXC/SAO/M. Karovska et al.; Radio: Schiminovich et al.)
Optical image of Centaurus A
Visible in the upper right corner of this optical image of the Centaurus A Galaxy is an arc of blue stars left behind when Centaurus A pulled in a smaller galaxy and tore it apart. Astronomers say the scar from this cosmic collision is fairly new and thousands of light years long.
Visible in the upper right corner of this optical image of the Centaurus A Galaxy is an arc of blue stars left behind when Centaurus A pulled in a smaller galaxy and tore it apart. Astronomers say the scar from this cosmic collision is fairly new and thousands of light years long.
Return to Centaurus A Arcs (07 Aug 02)