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May 30 - June 3, 2004
The 204th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society was held in Denver, Colorado. New Chandra results were presented and many members from the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics were able to attend.
Chandra Results From The AAS:Smoking Gun Found for Gamma-Ray Burst in Milky Way (02 June 04)
Spitzer Space Telescope Leads NASA's Great Observatories to Uncover Black Holes
and Other Hidden Objects in the Distant Universe (01 June 04)
Images from The AAS
1. 203rd AAS Meeting: NASA Administrator O'Keefe
NASA Administrator O'Keefe and colleagues stop by the Chandra display. The display travels to conferences and other events to showcase the Chandra mission and its scientific acheivements.
(Photo: CXC)
NASA Administrator O'Keefe and colleagues stop by the Chandra display. The display travels to conferences and other events to showcase the Chandra mission and its scientific acheivements.
(Photo: CXC)
2. 203rd AAS Meeting: NASA Administrator O'Keefe
NASA Administrator O'Keefe and colleagues stop by the Chandra display. The display travels to conferences and other events to showcase the Chandra mission and its scientific acheivements.
(Photo: CXC)
NASA Administrator O'Keefe and colleagues stop by the Chandra display. The display travels to conferences and other events to showcase the Chandra mission and its scientific acheivements.
(Photo: CXC)
3. 203rd AAS Meeting: NASA Administrator O'Keefe
NASA Administrator O'Keefe and colleagues stop by the Chandra display. The display travels to conferences and other events to showcase the Chandra mission and its scientific acheivements.
(Photo: CXC)
NASA Administrator O'Keefe and colleagues stop by the Chandra display. The display travels to conferences and other events to showcase the Chandra mission and its scientific acheivements.
(Photo: CXC)
4. 203rd AAS Meeting: NASA Administrator O'Keefe
NASA Administrator O'Keefe and colleagues stop by the Chandra display. The display travels to conferences and other events to showcase the Chandra mission and its scientific acheivements.
(Photo: CXC)
NASA Administrator O'Keefe and colleagues stop by the Chandra display. The display travels to conferences and other events to showcase the Chandra mission and its scientific acheivements.
(Photo: CXC)
5. 203rd AAS Meeting: NASA Administrator O'Keefe
NASA Administrator O'Keefe pauses at the AAS meeting for a photo with Chandra X-ray Center staff members.
(Photo: CXC)
NASA Administrator O'Keefe pauses at the AAS meeting for a photo with Chandra X-ray Center staff members.
(Photo: CXC)
6. 203rd AAS Meeting: NASA Administrator O'Keefe
NASA Administrator O'Keefe pauses at the AAS meeting for a photo with Chandra X-ray Center staff members.
(Photo: CXC)
NASA Administrator O'Keefe pauses at the AAS meeting for a photo with Chandra X-ray Center staff members.
(Photo: CXC)
7. 203rd AAS Meeting: Chandra Booth
Chandra X-ray Center members discussing science at the Chandra booth
(Photo: CXC)
Chandra X-ray Center members discussing science at the Chandra booth
(Photo: CXC)
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2001 | AAS January
2002 | AAS June
AAS January 2003 | | AAS January 2005 | AAS January 2011
AAS January 2003 | | AAS January 2005 | AAS January 2011