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Operations CXO Status Report

Friday 21 June 2019 9.00am EDT

During the last week Chandra completed the observing schedule as planned.

Real-time procedures were executed on Jun 15 and 18 to perform full-frame dark current readouts of the Aspect Camera Assembly CCD.

Chandra passed through the fourth, fifth, and sixth eclipses of the season on Jun 15, 18, and 20 respectively, with nominal power and thermal performance.

A Chandra press release was issued on Jun 18 describing observations of the Coma galaxy cluster to investigate the viscosity of the hot gas. Astronomers used deep observations totaling about two weeks of observing time to show that the density of the gas is smooth on scales down to the mean particle interaction distance of 100,000 light years. This implies that the viscosity is much lower than expected. Knowledge of the viscosity of gas in a galaxy cluster and how easily turbulence develops helps scientists understand the effects of important phenomena such as collisions and mergers with other galaxy clusters, and galaxy groups. For more information see:

Of note was the announcement on Jun 10 that a new state-of-the-art facility that will operate NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory has opened. This new Operations Control Center, or OCC, will help Chandra continue its highly efficient performance as NASA's premier X-ray observatory. The new facility was designed and constructed to modernize aspects of Chandra mission operations, taking advantage of two decades of experience running the spacecraft. The move of the OCC from Cambridge, MA to its new location about 10 miles north in Burlington, MA was a complex and technically difficult activity that was accomplished on a demanding schedule. Following a series of intermediate milestones and external reviews, the final Operations Readiness Review was held on May 30 and the new OCC became fully operational. For more information see:

The schedule of targets for the next week is shown below and includes an observation of MAXI J1348-640, which is a follow-up to a Target of Opportunity which was accepted on Jun 10 and is coordinated with NuSTAR, and an observation of Fairall 51 coordinated with NuSTAR.

        Radiation Belts                     Jun 23
        GLIMPSE-C01            ACIS-I
        Abell2146              ACIS-I       Jun 24
        J155027.78+192058.5    ACIS-I
        SwiftJ1734.5-3027      ACIS-S
        [HB89]0834-201         ACIS-S       Jun 25
        Fairall51              ACIS-S/HETG
        Radiation Belts                     Jun 26
        Abell2146              ACIS-I
        MAXIJ1348-630          ACIS-S/HETG
        G349.7+0.2             ACIS-S
        MCG_01_24_012_s2       ACIS-S       Jun 27
        Abell2146              ACIS-I       Jun 28
        Radiation Belts                     Jun 29
        Abell2146              ACIS-I
        MCG-1-24-12            ACIS-S
        Fairall51              ACIS-S/HETG
        IGRJ17380-3749         ACIS-S       Jun 30
        Mrk1419_s4             ACIS-S
        Abell2146              ACIS-I
        Radiation Belts                     Jul  1


All spacecraft subsystems continued to support nominal operations.

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