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Operations CXO Status Report

Friday 7 June 2019 9.00am EDT

During the last week Chandra completed the observing schedule as planned.

Real-time procedures were executed on Jun 4 and Jun 6 to perform full-frame dark current readouts of the Aspect Camera Assembly CCD. Another real-time procedure was executed on Jun 5 to perform a routine self-check of the Electrical Interface Assembly (EIA) Sequencer.

Preparations were completed for the summer 2019 eclipse season; the season contains eight eclipses and runs from Jun 7 to Jun 19. Real-time procedures were executed on Jun 6 to prepare for the first eclipse: one to activate SCS 29 and one to dump and clear the EPS glitch counters.

A press release was issued on May 31 describing Chandra observations of a flare on the star HR 9024. The observers describe a powerful eruption in the atmosphere of the active star, marked by an intense flash of X-rays followed by the emission of a giant bubble of plasma. This is the first time a coronal mass ejection, or CME, has been seen in a star other than our Sun. For details see:

A Chandra press release was issued Jun 3 describing Chandra observations of the galaxy Markarian 1216. The team compared the Chandra observational data to computer models. They inferred a much stronger concentration of dark matter than that found in other galaxies of similar total mass. The team suggests the history of Mrk 1216 is very different from the typical galaxy. Essentially all of its stars and dark matter were assembled long ago with little added in the past 10 billion years. For details see:

The schedule of targets for the next week is shown below and includes an observation of GJ 849 which is coordinated with HST, an observation of MAXI J1820+070, which was accepted as a Target of Opportunity on May 17 and is coordinated with the VLA, an observation of Terzan 6 Transient, which was accepted as a Target of Opportunity on Jun 4, and observations of PKS 1830-211, which was accepted as a Director's Discretionary Time Target of Opportunity on May 22.

       Radiation Belts
        Abell2146              ACIS-I
        MAXIJ1820+070          ACIS-S
        1E1617-5102            ACIS-S       Jun 11
        Terzan6Transient       ACIS-S       Jun 12
        Radiation Belts
        Abell2146              ACIS-I       Jun 13
        eMACSJ0256-16PAIR      ACIS-I
        RXJ1856.5-3754         HRC-S /LETG
        GJ849                  ACIS-S       Jun 14
        Radiation Belts                     Jun 15
        PKS1830-211            ACIS-S/HETG
        Abell2146              ACIS-I
        PSRJ1709-4429          ACIS-I       Jun 16
        PKS1830-211            ACIS-S/HETG


All spacecraft subsystems continued to support nominal operations.

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