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Operations CXO Status Report

Friday 3 May 2019 9.00am EDT

During the last week Chandra completed the observing schedule as planned.

A real-time procedure was executed on Apr 26 to dump the ACIS flight software as part of End to End Ground System Verification of the Wayside Operations Control Center. Additional real-time procedures were executed on Apr 28 and May 1 to perform full-frame dark current readouts of the Aspect Camera Assembly CCD. Another real-time procedure was executed on May 1 to perform a routine self-check of the Electrical Interface Assembly (EIA) Sequencer.

The schedule of targets for the next week is shown below and includes an observation of MAXIJ1820+070, which was accepted as a Target of Opportunity on Apr 18 and is coordinated with the VLA, an observation of Proxima Centauri which was accepted as a Director's Discretionary Time Target of Opportunity on Apr 8 and is coordinated with ALMA, TESS, HST, SWIFT, and several ground-based optical observatories, an observation of PKS 1830-211, which was accepted as a Director's Discretionary Time Target of Opportunity on Apr 15, observations of Swift J184418.3-023304 and 3XMM J182855.9-095413, which were accepted as Targets of Opportunity on Mar 22, an observation of Gaia17bpi, which is a follow-up to a Target of Opportunity which was accepted on Dec 21, an observation of Swift J1728.9-3613, which is a follow-up to a Target of Opportunity on which was accepted on Feb 6, observations of DES J0420-4037 and GraL 1537-30, which were accepted as Director's Discretionary Time Targets of Opportunity on Nov 30, and an observation of SDSSJ085051, which was accepted as a Director's Discretionary Time Target of Opportunity on Apr 22.

        Proxima Centauri       ACIS-S/HETG  May  5
        MAXIJ1820+070          ACIS-S/HETG  May  6
        SZ96                   ACIS-S/HETG
        Radiation Belts                     May  7
        M84                    ACIS-S
        PKS1830-211            ACIS-S/HETG
        VIKJ0109-3047          ACIS-S
        SZ96                   ACIS-S/HETG  May  8
        J233244.60-005847.9    ACIS-S
        SwiftJ184418.3-0233    ACIS-I
        3XMMJ182855.9-09541    ACIS-I
        Abell2146              ACIS-I
        Radiation Belts                     May  9
        Gaia17bpi              ACIS-S
        SwiftJ1728.9-3613      ACIS-S/HETG  May 10
        DESJ0420-4037          ACIS-S
        VIKJ0109-3047          ACIS-S
        GraL1537-30            ACIS-S       May 11
        eMACSJ1350.7-1055      ACIS-I
        SZ96                   ACIS-S/HETG
        Radiation Belts                     May 12
        Abell2146              ACIS-I
        SDSSJ085051            ACIS-S


All spacecraft subsystems continued to support nominal operations.

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