Friday 16 February 2018 9.00am EST
During the last week Chandra completed the observing schedule as planned. There was a press release issued on Feb 15 describing observations of black holes in Chandra survey fields. Using data from Chandra, HST and other observatories, two groups have studied the growth rate of black holes in galaxies. The growth of the biggest black holes in the Universe is outrunning the rate of formation of stars in the galaxies they inhabit. For details see: The schedule of targets for the next week is shown below and includes observations of CXO J164710.2-455216 which are follow-up to a Target of Opportunity which was accepted on May 16 and is coordinated with NuStar, and an observation MAXI J1621-501 which was accepted as a Target of Opportunity on Jan 30 and is coordinated with NICER. |
Radiation Belts HESSJ0632+057 ACIS-I IGRJ12529-6351 ACIS-I Feb 20 PSOJ1110-1329 ACIS-S VHSJ2235-5750 ACIS-S HESSJ0632+057 ACIS-I Feb 21 MKN421 ACIS-S/LETG Radiation Belts Feb 22 SDSSJ1156+1911 ACIS-I NGC6482 ACIS-S MAXIJ1621-501 HRC-I NGC6482 ACIS-S SDSS530 ACIS-I Feb 23 SDSSJ0952+3434 ACIS-I NGC6482 ACIS-S SDSSJ0952+3434 ACIS-I PTF11qcj ACIS-S Radiation Belts Feb 24 CXOJ164710.2-455216 ACIS-S 3FGLJ1958.6+3844 ACIS-S Feb 25 MKN421 ACIS-S/LETG IGRJ19498+2534 ACIS-S CXOJ164710.2-455216 ACIS-S IGRJ20063+3641 ACIS-S MKN421 ACIS-S/LETG PTF11qcj ACIS-S Feb 26
All spacecraft subsystems continued to support nominal operations.
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